Why movement matters to the cognitive, affective and psychomotor development of young children
The importance Maria Montessori placed on movement as an influence on cognitive development
Considerations and procedures for teaching movement lessons in the Montessori classroom – Ways to integrate and normalize movement through organizational and management strategies
Underlying presuppositions for teaching movement across all Montessori settings
Definitions of fundamental movement skills and physical fitness terms
Three categories of fundamental movement skills
Lesson plans for teaching locomotor movements at the classroom rug - Numerous combinations for practicing locomotor movements
Lesson plans for teaching object control skills at the classroom rug
Lesson plans for teaching the movement concepts of stability along with balance and flexibility
Three additional ways to implement movement in a Montessori setting
Teaching strategies for effectively leading large groups of children through movement activities – Safety and equipment considerations
Lesson plans for fifty-four enjoyable and engaging Large Group Activities – Complementary lesson plans for Independent Work from the Movement Shelf